Resources Produced by the Kienker Consulting Team and its Partners
A Guide to Fiscal Stewardship: Preventing and Mitigating Financial Mismanagement and Fraud
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this resource that explores frequently asked questions involved in preventing and managing through challenging operational and grantmaking situations, primarily around situations of financial mismanagement and fraud.
Frequently Asked Questions About Grantmaking
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting authored this resource that provides guidance for foundations on making grants to a variety of institution types.
Changing Fund Agreements & Variance Power
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., (Kienker Consulting) and Jennifer Oertel (Bodman PLC) developed this resource to address in-depth questions about the use of variance power and making changes to fund agreements in the state of Michigan.
Sustaining Maturing Foundations
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this unique resource designed for foundations that have moved beyond the beginning stages and have reached a more advanced age or level of complexity. It explores the unique operations, grantmaking, and leadership challenges of these “maturing foundations.”
The National Study on Donor Advised Funds
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting co-authored this groundbreaking national report with the DAF Research Collaborative, with generous funding by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
What Boards and Executives Need to Know About Reasonable Compensation
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this resource for CMF, to provide guidance on determining reasonable compensation for staffed private foundations and public charities, and addresses special issues for determining board compensation.
What Boards and Executives Need to Know About Conflicts of Interest
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this resource for CMF, to provide helpful information about conflict of interest situations and policies for both private foundations and public charities.
What Boards and Executives Need to Know About Executive Searches
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this reference tool for CMF, to serve as a curated list of resources for organizations planning for or engaging in an executive search process.
What Boards and Executives Need to Know About Foundation Types
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this resource for CMF, offering an overview of the types of grantmaking foundations active in the field, including sub-types of both private foundations and public charities that make grants.
What Boards and Executives Need to Know About Self-Dealing
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this resource for CMF, to provide useful information about self-dealing rules for private foundations and public charities, as well as covering special issues relevant to families and corporations engaged in philanthropy.
What Boards and Executives Need to Know About Succession Planning
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this reference tool for CMF, to serve as a curated list of resources for organizations considering the topic of succession planning and executive transitions.
Grantmaking with Purpose: Sample Grant Materials
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this resource for CMF, to provide foundations with sample documents for the initial stages of the grantmaking process. This resource includes relevant samples, ranging from grantmaking applications and reports to internal process documents.
Frequently Asked Questions About Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this resource for CMF, to assist grantmakers, donors, and advisors to better understand donor advised funds.
Frequently Asked Questions About Disasters
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this resource for CMF, to assist foundations with managing foundation operations and grant programs under disaster conditions. This resource explores frequently asked questions for all grantmakers encountering disasters in their local communities.
An Operations Checklist for Foundation Compliance
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this resource for CMF, to assist both private foundations and public charities with grantmaking operations to support proactive planning for both frequent and infrequent operational activities. This resource can also be used to identify areas of operations that may already be out of compliance and need to be addressed.
Frequently Asked Questions About Fund Agreements
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this resource for CMF, to assist community foundations and other public charities that manage component funds for charitable purposes. This document outlines frequently asked questions involved in managing these funds and fund agreements over time.
Comparing Philanthropic Giving Structures: Private Foundations or Community Foundation-based Fund
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D.,of Kienker Consulting developed this resource for CMF, in order to answer questions for philanthropic families, community foundations, and private foundations considering whether to maintain a private foundation or transition their philanthropy to a fund held by a local community foundation. This document is a reference tool for considering which philanthropic giving structure is most appropriate to the unique situation and priorities of these individuals and families.
Charitable Giving: Scholarships and Grants to Individuals
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., (Kienker Consulting) and Jennifer Oertel (Bodman PLC) developed this article for the Michigan Business Law Journal to highlight the regulatory environment and strategies of philanthropic organizations to manage scholarships and other forms of grants to individuals.
Analysis of Donor Advised Funds from a Community Foundation Perspective
In partnership with the Council of Michigan Foundations and Johnson Center for Philanthropy (GVSU), Brittany Kienker, Ph.D. of Kienker Consulting, served on the project team that created this cutting-edge study of DAF payout rates. It focuses on payout rates of DAFs held by Michigan community foundations, as part of the CMF/Johnson Center payout rate research series.
Options for your financial giving
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this reference tool for CMF, in order to answer questions for individuals and families interested in learning how they can give back to their communities through philanthropy. It focuses on how people can make a direct contribution, create a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), or start a foundation.
An Evaluation of Community Foundation Investment Returns & Payout Rates
In partnership with the Council of Michigan Foundations, Johnson Center for Philanthropy (GVSU), and Plante Moran Financial Advisors, Brittany Kienker, Ph.D. of Kienker Consulting, served on the project team that created this cutting-edge study of community foundation payout rates. It focuses on payout rates of community foundations statewide and nationally, as well as in comparison to their private foundation peers.
Navigating Scholarships and Grants to Individuals
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this reference tool for CMF for those grantmakers interested in establishing or revising a scholarship program or other grantmaking program that benefits individuals. It outlines important distinctions for community foundations and public charities, private foundations, and corporate giving programs.
Choosing a Corporate philanthropy Approach
Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting developed this resource for CMF to provide an overview of important topics and distinctions among the three primary forms of corporate philanthropy: corporate giving programs, corporate foundations, and corporate donor advised funds. This unique document is ideal for corporations considering forming a corporate philanthropy program or existing organizations navigating the complex rules for corporate philanthropy.
An Evaluation of Private Foundation Model Portfolios, Investment Returns, and Payout Rates
In partnership with the Council of Michigan Foundations, Johnson Center for Philanthropy (GVSU), and Plante Moran Financial Advisors, Brittany Kienker, Ph.D. of Kienker Consulting, served on the project team that created this cutting-edge study of private foundation payout rates. It offers the most comprehensive snapshot of payout data available to private foundations to date, covering data for Michigan and the sector nationally.
Midwest Grantmaker Salary, Benefits, and Demographics Report
In partnership with the Council of Michigan Foundations, Forefront, Indiana Philanthropy Alliance, Iowa Council of Foundations, Minnesota Council on Foundations, Philanthropy Ohio, and Wisconsin Philanthropy Network, Brittany Kienker, Ph.D. of Kienker Consulting, generated the Midwest Grantmaker Salary, Benefits and Demographics Report. Please note that this resource is available through state-specific PSOs with a required member log-in.
Indiana Grantmaker Salary, Benefits, and Demographics Report
In partnership with the Indiana Philanthropy Alliance, Brittany Kienker, Ph.D. of Kienker Consulting, generated the Indiana Grantmaker Salary, Benefits and Demographics Report.
The Basics of the Grantmaking Process and Due Diligence
Written by Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting, this resource serves as a comprehensive overview of the grantmaking process and the elements of due diligence for grantmakers.
Board Term Limits
Created by Brittany Kienker, Ph.D., of Kienker Consulting, this document provides an overview of the pros and cons of board term limits for grantmaking foundations.