Upcoming DAF 101 Webinars
Brittany Kienker, Principal and Owner of Kienker Consulting, will be presenting numerous DAF 101 webinars and related presentations throughout February and March 2023. For additional events and presentations, please visit www.kienkerconsulting.com.
Events listed in chronological order:
National Center for Family Philanthropy - “Community Foundations Network Topical Call: National Study on Donor Advised Funds” (February 14th at 2-3pm Eastern) - For registration and related information, visit: https://www.ncfp.org/event/community-foundations-network-topical-call-national-study-on-donor-advised-funds/.
Forefront - “Donor Advised Funds and Endowments 101” (February 16th at 10:30-12:00am Eastern) - For registration and related information, visit: https://myforefront.org/event/donor-advised-funds-and-endowments-series-part-1-what-are-they/.
Tri-State Webinar Series (Council of Michigan Foundations, Indiana Philanthropy Alliance, and Philanthropy Ohio) - “Introduction to Donor Advised Funds” (March 8th at 1-2pm Eastern) - For registration and related information, visit: https://www.michiganfoundations.org/events/midwest-community-foundation-webinar-series-introduction-donor-advised-funds.
Philanthropy Northwest - “Philanthropy 101 Series: Introduction to Donor Advised Funds” (March 8th at 2-3pm Eastern) - For registration and related information, visit: https://philanthropynw.org/events/philanthropy-101-winter-2023.