Serving Michigan's Philanthropic Organizations.


Updates and Announcements.

Upcoming Grantmaker Presentations

Brittany Kienker, Principal and Owner of Kienker Consulting, will be presenting an upcoming webinar and a live event designed for grantmaking organizations, philanthropic professionals, and board members.

Exploring FAQs on Fund Agreements
Thursday, May 19th at 1-2pm. Part of the Midwest Community Foundation Webinar Series.
Summary: Over time, community foundations' component funds evolve beyond the scope of their original fund agreements and documentation, leaving foundation staff wondering how they can make adjustments with or without the original donor’s consent and involvement. In the "FAQs About Fund Agreements" publication released in March 2022, CMF's Experts in Residence Dr. Brittany Kienker, Ph.D. and Jennifer Oertel outline frequently asked questions involved in managing these funds and fund agreements over time. Join us for this webinar as Dr. Kienker and Oertel highlight the key takeaways and dive deeper into some of the most common issues community foundation staff may face when managing component funds.

Community Foundation Retreat - Exclusive CMF Member Event
Tuesday, May 24th
Summary: CMF's Expert in Residence Dr. Brittany Kienker will be assisting with this retreat for community foundation CEOs from across the state of Michigan.