Serving Michigan's Philanthropic Organizations.


Updates and Announcements.

Kienker Consulting Updates

Hello Readers,

At the end of a busy fall season, I’m happy to share a number of updates regarding Kienker Consulting.

After partnering with staff at BoardSource in a number of ways this year, I am excited to announce that I just completed their Certificate of Nonprofit Board Consulting program. As I regularly interact with boards and executives around governance-related issues, I am thrilled to add this credential to the firm’s qualifications.

I am also happy to share that I recently received the designation of “Knowledge Insights Expert in Residence” at the Council of Michigan Foundations. Through my ongoing partnership with CMF, I am pleased to continue serving as a resource to grantmaking organizations across the state of Michigan.

If I can ever assist you in your work, please feel free to contact me.

Most sincerely,

Brittany Kienker, Ph.D.

Principal and Owner, Kienker Consulting LLC